As a track, Closure is simply about ended relationships, how breaking up and coming out of one is never easy, especially if it was long term. Is it about someone in particular? Maybe…
Letting you go was so much harder
than I could ever imagine.Lyon Tide
You always need a reasoning, an answer to the ‘Why?’ in the back of your mind before you can accept that it’s over and finally move on. We feel that the lyrics touch on a lot of common ground and relatable feelings during these kind of situations. That said, we also decided to make this particular track our debut release on the first day of 2021 as a metaphorical break up with the awful relationship we have all had with 2020. We felt once we had stepped into 2021, it was time to get closure.

Letting you go
Was so much harder
Than I could ever imagine
Like a Knife so much sharper
That I can still feel it drive in
All I want is just closure
Telling you this has broken my armour
Nothing left for me to believe in
Just made life so much darker
Yet I can still feel you guiding
© Lyon Tide
Cover Art by Liz Y Ahmet