Life Pop Bang
Life Pop Bang is Lyon Tide’s second album, nominated as eclectic in its sound which includes influences from EDM, Rock, 80s synth and generic pop.
Try and be reckless,
Hold on to your youth.Lyon Tide
The album includes hot hits such as Alone, Chemical Burn, Life Pop Bang and Silent Words to name but a few and got Lyon Tide signed to an international record label, Instant Feel Records.

Pretty girl with a red balloon
I’m sorry your hopes and dreams
Will all be gone too soon
Try and be reckless
Hold on to youth
Chase visions of future
Until life reveals the truth
Life drops on you like a bomb
While you try to remember
Where your life has gone
Setting fire to an empty room
Yeah we’re just making space
For new flowers to bloom
Bright red balloon
Just like a bomb
Bright red balloon
One pop and it’s gone
© 2022 Lyon Tide
Cover Art by Anthony La Pusata